Barre was born after a German ballet dancer got injured. She wanted to continue her ballet life with the rehabilitation she had to do and BAM barre was born! Okay, there may have been a little more to it, but you get the idea.

There are so many benefits of barre, but here are some of the top ones that I can come up with. As always, make sure you consult your physician before trying any new exercises. Luckily, with barre being such a low impact workout, it is ideal for almost everyone!

1. New & Exciting! Although barre has been around in the US for 40+ years, it is just starting to make a splash in the fitness industry, and especially in Crossville! Try something new and join a tribe of women to support each other!

2. Tone, tighten and firm! Barre exercises help tighten and tone targeted muscles that help stabilize your body, give you better posture and stature. Barre is designed to shape and tone those gorgeous muscles, not make you bulky!

3. Safety first! As I mentioned in previous articles, barre is low impact and we use very small weights to burnout those muscle groups. So, we won’t be trying to compete with the next person to see how many rounds we can get in, as we are all working together!

4. Time to Connect with Your Body and Clear Your Mind! Barre can be similar to yoga and pilates where we focus on that one specific part of the body we are working on and concentrate on our breathing. So it is a physical and mental workout! Not only will you leave feeling like you had a great workout, but you will also leave with less stress as it is a great time to focus on YOU!

5. Barre is for everyone! Yes, it was developed from a ballerina, but barre isn’t just for dancers, or ballerinas! Barre is for everyone! I promise we won’t be wearing a tutu or turning pirouettes.

I can’t wait to see you at your next (or first) barre class. Remember to arrive 10 minutes early if possible, talk with the instructor if you have any questions, bring water and have fun and enjoy the burn!

Meet you at the barre,
